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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Books Available April 26, 2012--Now all fiction

Weekend Homesteader: January
(In case you haven’t seen this series yet…..”Are you dreaming of summer tomatoes and homegrown eggs? January is the perfect time to get next year's garden off to a good start by testing and improving your soil. Meanwhile, building a chicken coop or tractor will pave the way for bringing home some egg-laying friends next month. For more immediate gratification, learn the science behind bread-making and prepare emergency lighting systems so you're not stuck in the dark if the power goes out….For those of you who are new to Weekend Homesteader, this series walks you through the basics of growing your own food, cooking the bounty, preparing for emergency power outages, and achieving financial independence. Technically, the series began in May (or November in the southern hemisphere), but most of the projects are designed to be accessible even to someone starting from square one each month. This ebook, and each other volume in the series, presents one easy and fun project for each weekend so that you'll keep making headway without becoming overwhelmed.”)

Raised Bed Gardening - Growing The Easy Way (same author as the container gardening yesterday)

JeBouffe Home Canning Step by Step Guide (second edition) Revised and Expanded (this was available before and I see it still is)

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